This error invokes a greater error then just your own online environment, since there are often times multiple sites, clients and ultimately money residing on the same little box, sitting with a flickering light in a dust strewn attic of some kid’s garage, more commonly none as your network data center. And the rule of thumb is to have everything backed up and a contingency plan to boot, but unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen and life just sucks.
All kidding aside, put the axe to the grindstone, and buckle in for an unpleasant ride. Having a good support team is critical, and a quick shout out to Sago Networks for helping me not only restore the chaos, but also understand how the system works. As they say, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man”…what the-f-ever.
Aside, Sago turned to Synergy Internet Services a few years ago and last week they just went dark. Period. That’s why I’m in the process of getting all my sites back online w/ a new service. Not sure if it was bankruptcy or if they just didn’t stop caring. They. Are. A. Terrible. Company.
Just remember that server errors do happen, downtime is sometimes inescapable, and sites ultimately pay the price. But at the end of the day, take a deep breath and ask yourself, Is all this trouble, grief and stress worth this shitty little piece of machinery?