To be or not to be….that really is the question these days for the Los Angeles Lakers.

The season is drawing to a close, and losses such as last night to Portland could only be forecast. Why do they have our number in the new dome?  These things happen, but what a great opportunity lost with the final four games of the season coming down to the wire with playoff seedings ever-so-present. Ultimately, the seedings are important, but as the Lakers have proven this year, and other champions in the past, winning on the road in the playoffs is how championship teams are made, and the season should prove not different.

he biggest unanswered question these days will be if Tanter’s baritone voice will be calling for the bright eyed, starlet-plucked Laker Girls in the NBA Finals this Year.

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, the Lakers can make it to the finals if they can stay relatively injury free and if Kobe plays a smart, unselfish , team oriented basketball. This much is certain: whichever team makes it to the finals, will more then likely be mopped up by the Celtics, or to a lesser degree the resilient Pistons.

That is unless Bynum comes back at 80%+ pre-injury and the team clicks. I’m not really worried about our offensive output, between the big three scorers, sharp shooting guards, and ever steady tandem of odom and fish, the Lakers will get theirs.

But will it be enough? Will we see those outstanding collective group of talent, the Laker Girls, on the big stage in ’08?  Will there be a parade in downtown LA?

Time will only tell…..Go LAKER$

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    February 2025
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  • About

      I woke up one night; I was not sweating, although I did decide it was time for me to put my creative mark on cyperspace. I previously had a useless, tired blog that pretty much stunk up the internet. But alas, no more; the day of reckoning is up on us, a new energy has bubbled from my loins, and with the bubbling will come additional useless “Juicy Morsels and Tidbits For All to Graze.”

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